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There’s a lot of giving and receiving that happens during the holiday season. But we spend a lot of time rushing around making sure we hit every party and get the best gift, and we forget to pay attention to ourselves, the fact that we’re burning out. So let’s bring it back to basics. Here are some simple ways to practice gratitude throughout the holiday season.
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7 Yogic Practices That Support Graceful Aging

Today (Sept 13, 2015) is Grandparents’ Day, which is a wonderful reminder to honor the older generation in our yoga classes. If we peel away the superficial layers of jump-backs and handstands that are staples in the most popular time slots, yoga offers unparalleled care for aging bodies and minds. Here are seven yogic practices that support graceful aging:
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The Benefits of Unplugging

The Benefits of Unplugging

Be honest. If you lost your phone, left in at home all day or destroyed it by accidentally dropping it in the toilet would you feel completely lost? If you answered yes, then you’re with most of us on this one. If you answered no then you’re either lying, or are a complete angel.
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5 Self-Defeating Workout Excuses That Will Crush Your Motivation

Feeling guilty that it’s the last stretch of summer and you’re not feeling as fit as you’d like to be? We sometimes need a bit of a wake up call. These 5 self-defeating excuses will crush your motivation if you’re not careful, but with a bit of mindfulness, you can keep them in check.

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Ways to stop negative thoughts before they start

Ways to stop negative thoughts before they start

Let’s be honest, it’s not very flattering to recognize your green monster. But as soon as you acknowledge her (it?) then you can start to make changes.
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Healthy Eats to Shake Up Any Potluck

Healthy Eats to Shake Up Any Potluck

There comes a time though when a person’s love of food and eating trumps their party stress and they learn the wonders of Pinterest and the good ol’ fashion cookbook. 
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