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May 11, 2018

It’s time to ignite your inner fire, once again. This time, we’re heating things up with a fire meditation. (You shouldn’t need a fire extinguisher, if you were wondering). This meditation focuses on the manipura (third) chakra. To give you some background, the third chakra is located between the belly button and the solar plexus. It’s associated colour is yellow and it’s element is fire, hence the fire meditation. Fire is often symbolic of power and courage; the manipura chakra is the energy responsible for your personal power, self-esteem, and confidence.

Feel free to download or follow along with the recorded, guided meditation below, or follow these written instructions to ignite your inner power and fire through the manipura chakra.

  1. Find a comfortable seat and clear the area around you.
  2. Place a candle (preferably unscented) in front of you.
  3. Rest your gaze on the flame and let it become your main (only) focus.
  4. Place your hands on your belly and imagine a ball of burning light in this space. Every time you inhale, more glowing energy enters your body.
  5. Remain here for 3-10 minutes then close your eyes and soak up all the power.
  6. Don’t forget to blow out the candle!


Click below to listen to the guided meditation led by Inner Fire's very own Leah Emmott. 



Daiga Ellaby
