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June 02, 2018

If you haven’t heard, International Yoga Day is coming up on June 21 – just a handful of sleeps away! If you live in a big city like Vancouver, Toronto or Houston, you may have heard some rumblings of events taking place in honour of our favourite practice. Heck, you may have already RSVP’d to more than one event. Good on ya! Lots of studios will put on special classes or have special offerings on the day, like a free class in the park – anything with the goal of bringing people together, sharing the love of yoga and generally having a kickass time.


But maybe you live in a small town where celebrations for these kind of honorary days are hard to come by, or maybe you’re wanting to start something of your own in the city, like a charitable class to help fund yoga classes for students. You’re amazing! Believe or not, it’s a lot easier to reach these goals than you may think, and we’ve got what you need to get started.


Make A Plan

Before you go all event-planner on us, you want to make a plan for your event. Whether you’re hosting a free class for 100 people or having some friends over for a BBQ, have a plan of action. Of course, a big event is going to require more planning than a small gathering on your patio, but you still need to make sure you leave the grocery store with enough veggie dogs and lemonade to go around. Making an organized plan will help you execute said plan in the long run, and ensure that things go smoothly.


Call for Backup

When planning an event, it’s always worth having some extra hands on deck. Call up a yoga teacher friend to come to your class in the park as a backup, just in case the booked teacher gets stuck in traffic or has an emergency. Arrange to have more mats than you think you’ll need – there’s always going to be someone who forgets theirs at home. Same thing goes for smaller gatherings: invite a friend over to help you set up patio lanterns and arrange a veggie plate before the other guests come over. Worst case scenario here is you get to hang out with your friend before all your other friends come over. How horrible!


Spread the Word

If you’re hosting an event, chances are you’re going to want people to show up to it. Are we on the right track? This doesn’t mean that you have to go spend hundreds of dollars on ad campaigns or flyers that you post like crazy over city walls. There are a few ways to get the word out without draining your bank account. One is word of mouth. People like to talk, so use that to your advantage. Ask your teacher friends to announce your event after their class, or have them drop a few hints around the studio. Tell your mom, your sister, her boyfriend, his sister, her best friend...you get the drift. Another great advertising tool is social media. Create an event page on Facebook and leave theInvite option open so people can invite their friends without hesitation. Make announcements on your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts – just make sure you’re not spamming people – and be sure to add all the important information like date, time and place. Also, if it’s a free or by-donation event, let people know that. Who’s going to pass up a free yoga class?!


These are just a small handful of tips to help you get started on planning a wicked fun celebration or event, whether it’s for the upcoming International Yoga Day, or even your own birthday party! Let us know how your IYD event went by using the hashtag #MyInnerFire on your social media posts – we’d love to see what you got up to!

