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April 02, 2018

Have you heard? Inner Fire is hosting a special in-house event to celebrate our upcoming spring launch and we’re super excited to have Deidre Sirianni joining us as a guest speaker. Deidre is an amazing woman who helps others find their truths and life’s purpose. We caught up with her recently and asked her all about herself and her work in hopes that she will inspire you to elevate yourself, and also to come by the event this Thursday to hear her speak (and check out our amazing new line).

Elevate Your Movement Studio Sale


Tell us about what you do, and how you got into this line of work.

I help people step into their truth/purpose and own it unapologetically in their life and business. I work mainly with entrepreneurs who are purpose driven and want to create an impact on the world through their work. What I do is a blend of empowerment, strategy, mindset, and soul work. I believe that your truth is your power, and when that is integrated into the work you do and the way you show up in all areas of your life that is where fulfillment and your purpose is found.  I do this work through offering one on one coaching, intensive retreats, speaking engagement, writing, and my podcast Human Unleashed.

Over the past couple of decades I've gone through the ebbs and flows of trying to discover who I am, and through that process I tried on a lot of different hats. I got married, started my first business, and checked all of the things off of the "list", and through following the path of doing the things I thought I "should" be doing, I lost the connection with myself. Through my journey of being out of alignment I suffered from depression, anxiety and got really good at pretending; pretending I was happy, pretending I knew what I was doing, and essentially creating a life and business that wasn't mine. At least that is how it felt.

I remember asking myself, "Is this it?" and when I finally came to stillness and gave myself space to feel into what it was, I realized it was. THIS IS IT. Everything I was experiencing was because I was living a life that wasn't my own. I wasn't speaking my truth. I started asking myself deeper questions, and found the path of least resistance, which was me removing everything that didn't belong.

When I did this, I started asking for what I wanted, and I began to receive it. I worked with a Shaman for a year. I read a lot of books. I travelled. I journaled. And... I got out of my own damn way!

I started writing new rules that I wanted to live by. I launched my podcast Human Unleashed where I began to connect with people who were creating positive change in the world, because this was the thing that lit my soul on fire! I wanted to learn more about social impact and what being a purposeful entrepreneur was, so I continued to learn and shift the work I was doing. I've always had Universal Signs that I am supposed to help others be their most expressed selves and create positive changes in the world. The biggest game changer for me was when I removed what no longer belonged in my life and stepped into working with entrepreneurs. This is when everything changed for me and this is where it all started.

I believe everything in your life is something you've co created, and if you look close enough at your choices and who you are you will be able to step into your purpose and own it unapologetically too.

To me purpose is everything. And when you are aligned with your purpose, life becomes a lot of fun.

What is the best thing about your job?

The best part of the work that I do is I get to work closely with people and help them be a more confident, and happier version of themselves while seeing them step into their purpose and create a positive impact in the world. Every time I work with someone, I learn something about myself, which is some of the best personal development someone can experience is it through witnessing someone else stepping into their power, and being in alignment with their truth.

How did you know that this was your passion?

I grew up in a family of entrepreneurs and always loved the idea of working in multiple businesses, but didn't love the idea of it just being about making money. When I was younger I was that girl that was always cheering people on and helping them be authentic to themselves. I think I've always known on a deep level that coaching and supporting change makers was where I needed to be.

How did you elevate your movement, so to speak?

Time is the only currency you can never get back. This is on a chalkboard in GIANT letters in my apartment to remind me that time is precious, and it's important not to waste it. I'm constantly reminding myself and those who I work with to honour their time, energy, and dreams. The way I elevate my movement is by leading by example. I'm an open book and share openly my personal struggles, traumas, lessons, and every chance I can do my best to support and mentor other women. I run a Women's Inner Circle and coach people in a way where I don't let them play small – I push them, love them, and make sure they are doing the damn thing, AKA leaving their mark, being their truest self, honouring their journey, being on purpose, speaking their truths, standing up for what they believe in, living in their heart, and dropping their ego every chance they get.

What are some of your tips for anyone looking to take that leap of faith?

Always trust your gut. Always be honest with yourself. Always take the path that lights your soul on fire.

Everything that isn't a HECK YES, is a no. Use that filter often. Let go of the thought that people are going to judge you – they already are. You might as well step into your truth and own it, than waste a second on another that isn't.  

The Universe rewards those who take risks, that are bold, and trust in the process. So trust in the process, and do it already. One step at a time. Get support. Find a coach. Think bigger. And make your move.  

Deidre Sirianni

Big shoutout to Deidre for the interview! If you’re not able to join us live but want to learn more about Deidre and her work, you can check out her Human Unleashed Podcast now and make sure to keep your eyes peeled for her book,  Make Your Own Damn Rules, which is coming out this Spring! Find her at www.deidresirianni.com
